EVERYTHING will temporarily be taken offline. I'm busy writing the code for this website from scratch (I was using google sites which kinda sucks and doesn't really let me use much of my own code except for a couple of bad embed pages). Actually maybe not entirely from scratch, I'll probably be using VitePress like the cytoid wiki, with some subpages from scratch. I kinda have to do this because there was a lot of sensitive info I left on the site and it would be really inconvenient to update the google sites with all my PII pruned in addition to making the new site, and lots of other projects for Kirror and personal issues (And some legal issues as well). If you want to see something that was on the site, or just talk to me about Kirror, check out r/Kirror or r/SingularityPoint. Sorry for the inconvenience, don't expect to see anything until august although you may see something before then. Also first person to find the secret in this page gets a reward or something. I'm terribly sorry for the inconvenience